
Showing posts from December, 2022

Here is why you must invest in customised corporate gifts with titancorporategifting

  The foundation of any good corporate relationship depends on two important factors – validation and appreciation. But do we really understand the value these two factors hold? Not really! There is nothing worse than feeling undervalued at your workplace. And more often than not this is the reason why employees decide to quit their existing jobs. Therefore, it is essential to create an employee-friendly environment, and that’s where corporate gifting plays a significant role. Unique gifts for employees are the best ways to increase employee engagement and retain employees. Corporate Gifting is an art, and what adds value to that art is the customisation. Customising a gift adds a personal touch to the whole gifting experience, which is what matters the most. Let’s explore some of the advantages of giving customised corporate gifts .  Reasons to Give Customised Corporate Gifts Establishes a Strong Bond The Best corporate gifts are not the ones that are expensive or rare; the...